First of all, if you have not heard John Mayer's cover of Free Fallin you need to listen to it immediately. I have made this very simple for you-just click right here:
Also, here are some more videos from the concert that I went to in Hyde Park earlier in the summer:
And here is a video that I took featuring Jason Mraz (along with the girls of Flat 1) singing I'm Yours:
I've been listening to alot of John Mayer lately if you can't tell. But anyway....back to London things. Basically I am only here for another 2 weeks SO that means it is crunch time. I have made a list which contains everything that I still want to do or see in London before I have to leave. I might as well just share my list with you all so then you can either criticize me or commend me when the 2 weeks is up.
-Windsor Castle (DONE!)
-The V&A (victoria and albert museum)
-Greenwich (and stand on the prime meridian)
-Abbey Road (take the stereotypical picture)
-Kings Cross station and platform 9 3/4 (harry potter....)
-Westminster Abbey (DONE! And I wanted to tell you that I lit a candle for my family and friends in the Abbey)
-Tower of London
-St. Paul's Cathedral (where princess Di was married)
-Covent Garden
-The Orangery (DONE! but want to go again...)
-Dali Universe
-Design Museum
-Kew Gardens
-Harrods (DONE! but want/need to go again)
-Borough Market (DONE! and going again)
-Gordons Wine Bar (DONE! want to go again)
-See a ballet?
-British Museum
-Brighton (probably not going to happen)
-Get a picture with a buckingham palace guard
-shop on high street kensington
So, i mean that's not too much to ask, is it?
I went to Windsor Castle yesterday with Jen and Halli in the heat! As much as I am sick of public transportation I decided that I could handle an hour train ride to the royal palace. The palace itself was massive and made me really excited for the day that I get to become Queen and live there too. We got to see the Queen's dollhouses (Daphne-you would have LOVED that...) as well as the state apartments. One of the rooms had a ceiling completely covered in different knights' coat of arms (shields). I thought it was interesting that some of the shields were left blank white to represent a knight who had done something very vert wrong. Can you imagine having that legacy?Must have been awful to tell his kids.
Anyway, we had a great day in Windsor and I even ate fish and chips at a great restaurant on a balcony.
I do not think that I ever talked about Barcelona much except for the fact that I was going to be traveling there. So here is Barcelona in a conch-shell: I stayed in my first hostel and it actually was not that bad. It was also located across from a giant lobster statue. (see picture below) Luckily Lauren and sweet Caroline were both in the room with me, along with 9 other people, mostly american students such as ourselves. Of course when Lauren and I first got there we needed to check out the situation...No one else was in the room at the time so I did a little snooping. (Lauren loves telling this story by the way). So I am slowly checking out what people have on their beds and all of a sudden I have a revelation. Without even thinking about it I just turn around to Lauren and peer through about 4 bunk beds and say, "OH Lauren it's OK! They wear Polos! and they look like nice polos too." aaaaaaand scene....
Let's see, what else from Barcelona...well there are alot of modern statues and pieces of artwork randomly scattered around the city. Here is the lobster and a giant brass fishy...
Barcelona was really really hot (not nearly as hot as Italy however...) and I did manage to get a good tan. Sad to say I can already tell that it is fading so I'll have to do something about that when I get home.
Oh, did I mention that Lauren and I missed our flight?
So let's check that tally: Airports and train stations-2, Christy-0. I have officially spent the night in the Dallas airport, the London Stansted airport, and the Cartiff train station. Will someone please just give me my car??
That's about it for Barcelona...we met up with some other kids from MU that were there as well which was alot of fun. We also ate at this great restaurant on the ocean ON A BOAT called Luz De Gas. If you say it out loud it is really funny.
Yes, I am 22.
We have been having really great weather here the past few days. It has been so nice to actually have the weather feel like summer! Unfortunately the Brits do not invest in AC as much as we do. I am very excited to go do alot of things in London (check a few more off of the list..) but I know that I will run out of time. It is absolutely unbelievable to me that I have been here for so many weeks and that it is almost time for me to be home. The only word to describe it is bittersweet. Here are the things I am looking forward to at home and in Columbia:
-Obviously my family, friends, and the "girls" (aka Beeper and Twinkie)
-Little Red (my car)
-Having my own room/semi having my own bathroom
-Goldfish (because they are SO delicious and London has no clue what a baked cheese cracker even is)
-My shoes, ESPECIALLY my Jessica Simpson wedges and red heels
-Burgers from the berg. Shoot, just hamburgers in general! I think I have had 3 this summer?
-My Queen size bed
-Let's hear it for the dollar! I literally spent 15 pounds to see the new Batman movie which equals out to be $30...and that is just for the ticket! I did see it in the same theater that it was premiered in, so that was pretty cool. Someone needs to fix this whole "economy" thing.
-Lights (literally, like the florescent ones that light up your house because we lack them)
-Salads (chinese chicken salad from bread co....)
-Soup in a can that tasted like something other than tomato juice
-My vietnamese friends at nailpro
-Lemon slushes
hmmmm I am sure I could come up with more but I'll stop for now. Basically I am looking forward to alot! As much as it is going to suck to graduate and have to figure out what I want to do after that, I could not be more excited for senior year. I already bought my football tickets!!! I can not WAIT for football season. I also bought a student pass for the journalism school's centennial celebration (I know you are jumping in your seats at that one). Oh, and I get to live with and next to some of my best best best I can't think what could be better.
Unless I got a puppy :)
To wrap it up, things here are still really great! I am loving my internship and feel like I have learned more than I could ever learn in a classroom. It is so much fun getting to make layouts!
I am in the process of trying to update my ipod with some new tunes since I listen to the same stuff everyday, so if you have something new that you would like to share please let me know and I will check it out! My boss gave me some of his music and I really like some of the songs by Turin Breaks. He's a brit.
That's all for now kids! I will be home in less than two weeks and am trying to savor every last minute of London! I think we are going to go to Cambridge on saturday which should be an awesome time. We are going to go punting down the river like they do in Italy in romantic movies. Except it won't be romantic at all I am not assuming.
-New music
-Barcelona=sun and tan and lobsters and communicating with the Spaniards was fun
-Lots to do in London!
-Did i mention that Fran (marylyn), stu, kaylin and sir blake are in Scandinavia? Embarrassing that I asked what the capital of scandinavia is when it clearly is not a country, but in fact several countries combined?
-I miss my cheesefish!!
-My flatmates +others had an interesting convo about tapeworms (mom, you might not want to read any further seeing as though you have a great gag reflex). Anyway, stu told us that in order to get rid of them you have to sit in a tub of milk. Good life info right there.
-Windsor castle is holding a room for me until I can make it back
-The next time I go to coffee republic I get a free drink! (This is because I have a stamp card and your 10th drink is free....Kind of like my trops card? haha)
-Our bedroom light just burnt out too. And we just got the one in the hallways replaced today!
-I hope to go to the park tomorrow