Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Tale of a HOT Summer's Day

Good news! Turns out it IS possible to get a tan in London. Or at least for right now a little bit of a burn. With a high of around 80 degrees on Sunday, Halli, Lauren and I headed to Kensington Gardens to be outside all day. We wish that we would have known that in London on a hot day many people wear their swimsuits to lay out in the park! This could be a good thing or a bad thing, as we found out first hand by some of the "larger" park-goers. Anyway, now we know for next time. We laid out a blanket (since it costs 2 pounds for a chair per hour) for somewhere between 3 and 4 hours by the lake/pond that has swans. I had intentions of starting my book (Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger) but instead just listened to music, took a walk around the park, and snapped almost 60 pics of the gorgeous day. There literally was not one cloud in the sky the entire day! (and that NEVER happens).
This weekend was really just a perfect London weekend. On saturday, myself, Lauren, Halli, Julia and Marylyn headed to Portabello Road for a market shopping experience. It was crazy! Basically, it is a 2 mile road filled to the fullest with vendors selling items from silver antiquery to vintage footballs to clothing. I ended up buying this really cool pink leather bracelet that may or may not look too large on my wrists, but I love it and will be sporting it all summer. Look for it in my pictures. I also bought some delicious fresh apples. I think we spent around a total of 4 hours walking the entire route and back so A) it is VERY impressive that I managed to only buy a bracelet and B) that means we walked about 4 miles. 
My internship is going really well, I feel very lucky to be working where I am this summer. It's also pretty easy getting to know my co-workers. I sit next two two younger women (one is probably like 25 and has a similar personality to mine, so she's pretty cool). All I will be working on this week is designing the supplement to the issue for the week of June 27th. I think I have basically designed maybe 6 of the pages so far, and I got to commission an illustration today. I read the story, literally sketched out in stick figures what I thought would depict the story the easiest (which, by the way I thought it would be quite funny if someone random would have walked by and seen me just scribbling stick figures in different scenarios). After my boss chose the one he liked the best, he made a call to an illustrator and then I emailed her the layout and a copy of the story. Pretty sweet!
I was also very excited to find out that not only do Caroline and Marylyn work in the same building as me, they work across the room from me! So I get to see them all the time which is going to be so much fun. 
I'm still working on the accent for those of you who are hoping that I come back with one. I have found myself using some British phrases however, which basically just means talking more properly. It seems that the second I step back into my flat however, that quickly diminishes. 
We had another hot hot day today so I was really bummed that I couldn't be outside!
Here's a funny story for ya: I was exiting the tube station the other day (in order to get in and out you have to swipe your card and then these little doors open for you to enter/exit) and I swiped my card thinking it went through-but then got SLAMMED in the doors and yelled out a quick "OOOOOooooooo" as it smashed my arms in. Ever since then my card has been all messed up and I have been getting semi "special treatment". By this I mean I have been going to the assistance window telling them that my card isn't working, and they just let me in the side gate. In reality, my card was messed up because "technically" i never exited. Can you imagine? Wondering around aimlessly from tube station to tube station for days? I bought an unlimited month pass today so it seems to be fixed. I just need to be more careful.
I also think that my computer is possessed as it seems to have a mind of its own every once in a while which scares me. Lauren's computer wouldn't turn on, so she and I headed to the Apple store today. We got there 15 minutes before it closed and a man named Darren somehow solved our problems through osmosis or mental/computer transactions. Just by walking in the store both of our computers worked. Frustrating, but I suppose it'll be a good thing in the long run if we don't have to go and get them fixed anymore. 
Oh, hey kids I did my laundry yesterday! It has been without a doubt the longest I have ever gone without doing my laundry-3 weeks! It is such a hassle to do, but I am glad it is finally done. I feel alot better. And cleaner.
Finally, a bunch of us went up in the London eye on saturday evening right around sunset and it was gorgeous! A great view of the city. 
Review for you:
-Feeling hot hot hot and burnt burnt burnt
-Pink leather is a new staple to my wardrobe (only on my wrist though)
-Oh wait! I forgot I did also buy fake old-school white ray bans for 6 pounds, which you will also see in some pictures
-Exit the tube stations with caution
-My computer might as well be called Emily Rose
-I have clean clothes!!!

Cheers! (I really do hear this phrase for EVERYTHING)

Addendum: the total is now at 2 for people at work who aren't sure whether my "g's" are really G's or if they are 6's. I'm learning all sorts of things about the Brits. 


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