Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Tale of MIZZOU colors

I have been seeing black and gold everywhere here and I can't help but get excited. My two Mizzou purchases have been a dress and shoes (not to be worn together under ANY circumstances).

At work today the electricity went out (and unfortunately came back on about an hour and a half later). Literally the second the lights and computers shut off, one of the editors of my magazine said, "Well, let's go to the pub!". That pretty much sums up the workplace.

I found out that I actually did see Prince William and Prince Harry this weekend and got a picture of them at the Queen's birthday parade. I want to put a picture up, but my computer is malfunctioning and going crazy, so it wont let me. I made an appointment to take it to the apple store tomorrow, so hopefully it won't be like last time when A) the "genius" looked at me like I was a crazy person when I described the problems and B) None of these problems were actually present when i got to the store. 

I am going to start planning my trip to Italy tonight! I have the entire first week of July off, so I'm pretty excited about it!

There are certain words that I say at work, and my boss will tell me I need to say them differently. Basically that just means with a British accent. For example, when I say "Mocha" I get laughed at. Apparently I need to say it more like "macha". It's pretty entertaining. Maybe I will come back with a British twang afterall.

Here is an example yof how my computer wants to type sentences.n I am not intentionally putting any yof these typos in, they are just happening.n : I hlad some sort of weird reaction to the gum that I hlave been. chewing I think, so my mouth hurts.n Imagine how annoying it is trying to write long emails yor papers or anything on this computer! If everything wasnt double in price I would be tempted toy buy a new one.n ugh. Also, I love to listen to my ipod on the tube in the morning, so I made a "London Underground" playlist to hlisten to.n Today was the first day with it, and it went pretty well...sometimes I wish a soundtrack was playing when I go places.n 

Ok, now I'll start editing out the weird typos....
Recapping for ya'll:
-I am obsessed with black and gold and finding items for senior year
-No electricity is a great excuse for the co-workers to go up the street to a local pub (the same one where I knocked over my plate of tomatoes and shattered it on the floor)
-Even the Genius doesn't know what is wrong with my computer...
-The princes will be documented in my London scrapbook as "boyfriends/knights" (assuming, that is, I make a scrapbook)
-I read a story today about a dog getting sucked up by a street cleaner in the Bronx...
-Italia, here I come!


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