Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Tale of a Lovely Week

Today it rained. 
All day. 
I loved it. 

I do not think that I have seen the sunshine for more than 5 minutes since last Friday and that is completely OK with me. In fact, I think it is only fitting that for our last week in London the sky spit on us every day. Surprisingly, this is the only week that I can recall that has had this kind of weather without a break. I suppose London is just sad to see all of us leave. 
As it should be! 
It is amazing to think of all of the things we have done in this town. I have to say that I will be sad to leave London, but happy to be home at the same time. I haven't quite figured out a word for it yet, but I'll let you know when and if I ever do.
I hopped on the tube to Mornington Crescent for the last time on Thursday and said good-bye to my co-workers. They all gathered around in a circle and the editor said some very nice parting words about me feeling like a part of the team, which was so nice. I got an extremely British card, signed by everyone in the office, which reads, "Sorry you're leaving...piss off then." 
Oh the Brits.....
Here is a picture of everyone that I worked with! Awkward that I automatically go into "sorority pose?" yeah...

Mike also gave me a magazine design book that I am eager to look and read through on the long plane ride home tomorrow (glorious Air India....)
It was hard saying goodbye to everyone, as it felt like the end of a school-year when you have to say bye to all of your friends. It was a great last day however and I felt very fortunate to be in the company of such kind people. 
Alot of my flatmates (including myself) went out with our co-workers on Wednesday night for a little fair-well. British people are crazy fun and I sure have some great (but confidential) stories from the evening. 
Yesterday (Friday), a group of us decided to go to Greenwich for the day. Before we left, Marylyn and I took a visit to the Tower of London. There are actually multiple towers, one of which holding the Crowned Jewels collection (AMAZING!). I saw the biggest diamonds in the world and I can't wait until I get one. I thought it was really funny hearing a small boy (by small I mean young, not short) say to his mom, "Mum where is the Bloody Tower?". 
Then, marylyn and I missed the boat (what's new?) so we took the tube to Greenwich while everyone else cruised down (or up?) the Thames. Some of us hiked up "the hill" to stand on the Prime Meridian. Then, we rolled down the hill. Yeah, I'm 22. So?
I even have documentation......and my arms are a little sore today. 

Thankfully, I made the boat back with the group because it was such a fun little ride. We had a hilarious "fake" tour guide (I think he was either an Aussie or a Kiwi and made sure we knew that he was not a certified guide, but only a member of the boat crew). Imagine a man who is sitting behind the cabin door on the top deck of a boat. All you can see is his head through the window in the door because he is sitting in a chair with the door closed. As he is talking and is mid-resting-ankle-on-opposite-leg's-knee mode, he flings the door open in such a Will Ferrell in Anchorman-looking type of way that I thought he would not be wearing pants or something.

 It was so hilarious. I really tried to get that visual correct. You had to be there I guess. Here is a picture of us all with the Tower Bridge in the back!

Ah, I just remembered that I forgot to tell you about my 7 year slumber that I took on Thursday night.
It was 7pm on Thursday evening. The clouds were sprinkled with bits of the moon and..... 
haha just kidding. 
Anyway, I was REAL tired so I told my flatmates I was going to take a nap. I laid down around 7pm and woke up at 7:30am on friday morning. I think I had a few intermittent, unconscious conversations with some of the girls that I live with, but I don't remember any of them. Needless to say, I woke up on Friday ready to ROCK. Fitting that I saw massive diamonds on Friday morning?
ha (I sense that Katie just rolled her eyes, but laughed, when she read that awful pun).
Let's see, so today was our last full day in London. I went to Portabello Road this morning with some of the girls and bought a few last minute things :). I had my last red velvet cupcake at the Hummingbird Bakery and my last Tomato, Mozzerella and Basil sandwich on Ciabatta bread at the market. And it rained the whole time. 
But I wouldn't have had it any other way. 
After Portabello Road we went up to Abbey Road. I am so happy that I finally got to see this! We only had to dodge a few cars to get the kodak moment but I figured that if I can dodge a ball, I can dodge a car. If you can't tell, that is Julia on the far left without shoes on, Jen, Kaylin, and then I am on the very right. Halli is a champ and taking the picture (don't worry...we rotated and got one with her too!) Looks like I'm John.

When we got back to Earl's Court I went to Coffee Republic and got my free coffee from filling up a punch card that I had been working on completing for the whole summer (10th drink is free!). Then, I had to come back to #1 and pack my things up. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to resort to sitting on my suitcases to close them, but there was no other way. Don't worry, I haven't lost my touch----my strategic packing skills were in full tact. I just have ALOT. of. well, stuff. 
After getting all packed up we headed to one of our favorite pubs around the corner, The Courtfield. We had dinner and hung out for a few hours which was just what I wanted to do. 
Thank goodness I go to Mizzou with these people....I would be so sad if I would not be able to see them in a few weeks. 
So that brings me to the now. I am listening to music and looking out my flat window at London. Weird that I can feel it too? And it's a little chilly. What's new...
I am very much going to miss alot of thing about this summer. I have certainly learned an IMMENSE amount of things and have grown in more ways than I ever imagined. Amazingly all of this happened without me even knowing it. Let's go over some of the high points, shall we?
-I hailed my first cab alone after getting sent to the wrong internship location on the day of my interview
-I got hired at a job. (minus the salary part...)
-I ate duck.
-I stood under the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
-I ate a croque in Paris.
-I saw Stonehenge.
-I saw the Roman Baths on a rainy day. 
-I walked through William Shakespeare's home (supposedly) and saw a Shakespearean play in Stratford-Upon-Avon (even though I had no clue what was going on the whole time)

Eh, you know what...I just realized something. Those things I just listed I did within the first few weeks that I got here and it overwhelms me to continue on a list like this. That's what I have been blogging about and taking pictures of the whole summer! So that's going to terminate right now haha. 

I don't even know how to sum up this summer....I suppose it is just one of those things that turns into being one of your favorite memories. I wouldn't change anything that i did this summer (except for maybe not missing that flight to Barcelona that that train to Wales...). haha Just kidding...actually I learned alot from those things.

I don't even know the appropriate way to end this entry! I am so excited to be home tomorrow! I have so much to share! I suppose there is only one thing to say - 


Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Tale of plotting against public transportation

First of all, if you have not heard John Mayer's cover of Free Fallin you need to listen to it immediately. I have made this very simple for you-just click right here:

Also, here are some more videos from the concert that I went to in Hyde Park earlier in the summer:

And here is a video that I took featuring Jason Mraz (along with the girls of Flat 1) singing I'm Yours:

I've been listening to alot of John Mayer lately if you can't tell. But anyway....back to London things. Basically I am only here for another 2 weeks SO that means it is crunch time. I have made a list which contains everything that I still want to do or see in London before I have to leave. I might as well just share my list with you all so then you can either criticize me or commend me when the 2 weeks is up.
-Windsor Castle (DONE!)
-The V&A (victoria and albert museum)
-Greenwich (and stand on the prime meridian)
-Abbey Road (take the stereotypical picture)
-Kings Cross station and platform 9 3/4 (harry potter....)
-Westminster Abbey (DONE! And I wanted to tell you that I lit a candle for my family and friends in the Abbey)
-Tower of London
-St. Paul's Cathedral (where princess Di was married)
-Covent Garden
-The Orangery (DONE! but want to go again...)
-Dali Universe
-Design Museum
-Kew Gardens
-Harrods (DONE! but want/need to go again)
-Borough Market (DONE! and going again)
-Gordons Wine Bar (DONE! want to go again)
-See a ballet?
-British Museum
-Brighton (probably not going to happen)
-Get a picture with a buckingham palace guard
-shop on high street kensington

So, i mean that's not too much to ask, is it?

I went to Windsor Castle yesterday with Jen and Halli in the heat! As much as I am sick of public transportation I decided that I could handle an hour train ride to the royal palace. The palace itself was massive and made me really excited for the day that I get to become Queen and live there too. We got to see the Queen's dollhouses (Daphne-you would have LOVED that...) as well as the state apartments. One of the rooms had a ceiling completely covered in different knights' coat of arms (shields). I thought it was interesting that some of the shields were left blank white to represent a knight who had done something very vert wrong. Can you imagine having that legacy?Must have been awful to tell his kids. 
Anyway, we had a great day in Windsor and I even ate fish and chips at a great restaurant on a balcony. 
I do not think that I ever talked about Barcelona much except for the fact that I was going to be traveling there. So here is Barcelona in a conch-shell: I stayed in my first hostel and it actually was not that bad. It was also located across from a giant lobster statue. (see picture below) Luckily Lauren and sweet Caroline were both in the room with me, along with 9 other people, mostly american students such as ourselves. Of course when Lauren and I first got there we needed to check out the situation...No one else was in the room at the time so I did a little snooping. (Lauren loves telling this story by the way). So I am slowly checking out what people have on their beds and all of a sudden I have a revelation. Without even thinking about it I just turn around to Lauren and peer through about 4 bunk beds and say, "OH Lauren it's OK! They wear Polos! and they look like nice polos too." aaaaaaand scene....
Let's see, what else from Barcelona...well there are alot of modern statues and pieces of artwork randomly scattered around the city. Here is the lobster and a giant brass fishy...

Barcelona was really really hot (not nearly as hot as Italy however...) and I did manage to get a good tan. Sad to say I can already tell that it is fading so I'll have to do something about that when I get home. 
Oh, did I mention that Lauren and I missed our flight?


So let's check that tally: Airports and train stations-2, Christy-0. I have officially spent the night in the Dallas airport, the London Stansted airport, and the Cartiff train station. Will someone please just give me my car??

That's about it for Barcelona...we met up with some other kids from MU that were there as well which was alot of fun. We also ate at this great restaurant on the ocean ON A BOAT called Luz De Gas. If you say it out loud it is really funny. 
Yes, I am 22. 

We have been having really great weather here the past few days. It has been so nice to actually have the weather feel like summer! Unfortunately the Brits do not invest in AC as much as we do. I am very excited to go do alot of things in London (check a few more off of the list..) but I know that I will run out of time. It is absolutely unbelievable to me that I have been here for so many weeks and that it is almost time for me to be home. The only word to describe it is bittersweet. Here are the things I am looking forward to at home and in Columbia:
-Obviously my family, friends, and the "girls" (aka Beeper and Twinkie)
-Little Red (my car)
-Having my own room/semi having my own bathroom
-Goldfish (because they are SO delicious and London has no clue what a baked cheese cracker even is)
-My shoes, ESPECIALLY my Jessica Simpson wedges and red heels
-Burgers from the berg. Shoot, just hamburgers in general! I think I have had 3 this summer?
-My Queen size bed
-Let's hear it for the dollar! I literally spent 15 pounds to see the new Batman movie which equals out to be $30...and that is just for the ticket! I did see it in the same theater that it was premiered in, so that was pretty cool. Someone needs to fix this whole "economy" thing.
-Lights (literally, like the florescent ones that light up your house because we lack them)
-Salads (chinese chicken salad from bread co....)
-Soup in a can that tasted like something other than tomato juice
-My vietnamese friends at nailpro
-Lemon slushes

hmmmm I am sure I could come up with more but I'll stop for now. Basically I am looking forward to alot! As much as it is going to suck to graduate and have to figure out what I want to do after that, I could not be more excited for senior year. I already bought my football tickets!!! I can not WAIT for football season. I also bought a student pass for the journalism school's centennial celebration (I know you are jumping in your seats at that one). Oh, and I get to live with and next to some of my best best best I can't think what could be better. 
Unless I got a puppy :)

To wrap it up, things here are still really great! I am loving my internship and feel like I have learned more than I could ever learn in a classroom. It is so much fun getting to make layouts!

I am in the process of trying to update my ipod with some new tunes since I listen to the same stuff everyday, so if you have something new that you would like to share please let me know and I will check it out! My boss gave me some of his music and I really like some of the songs by Turin Breaks. He's a brit. 

That's all for now kids! I will be home in less than two weeks and am trying to savor every last minute of London! I think we are going to go to Cambridge on saturday which should be an awesome time. We are going to go punting down the river like they do in Italy in romantic movies. Except it won't be romantic at all I am not assuming. 

-New music
-Barcelona=sun and tan and lobsters and communicating with the Spaniards was fun
-Lots to do in London!
-Did i mention that Fran (marylyn), stu, kaylin and sir blake are in Scandinavia? Embarrassing that I asked what the capital of scandinavia is when it clearly is not a country, but in fact several countries combined?
-I miss my cheesefish!!
-My flatmates +others had an interesting convo about tapeworms (mom, you might not want to read any further seeing as though you have a great gag reflex). Anyway, stu told us that in order to get rid of them you have to sit in a tub of milk. Good life info right there. 
-Windsor castle is holding a room for me until I can make it back
-The next time I go to coffee republic I get a free drink! (This is because I have a stamp card and your 10th drink is free....Kind of like my trops card? haha)
-Our bedroom light just burnt out too. And we just got the one in the hallways replaced today!
-I hope to go to the park tomorrow



Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Tale of my 22nd Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am leaving for Barcelona straight from work today, so I am sorry to say that I only have time to hit the high points and add a few pictures. 

Midnight: Everyone surprises me with a birthday cake and a very impressive singing of Happy Birthday (or for Alan, Feliz Cumpleanos)

The Day: Went to work and designed a 3-page spread for an article entitles "10 reasons to be cheerful" - can that be more perfect? My boss got me a card too and had everyone in the office sign it (it is very british, and hilarious)

The Night: I made a reservation for 12 at Ping Pong dim sum for 9pm and it was completely amazing. I plannned something successfully! AND Kelly Rowland from Destiny's Child was sitting a few tables away from us. I starred at her and she starred back. Emily said Hi and supposedly she said Hi back. It was such a great time and a wonderful, perfect place to go!

What a great day to turn 22! (Of course it ended with one of my flaymates saying, "Oh my gosh that means next year you will be 23!!!). Thanks.

Here are some pictures....

My birthday cake, complete with 22 candles

My birthday dinner at Ping Pong

We're Walrussessesss

All the girls at dinner!

Blowing out my candles at Ping Pong (2 scoops chocolate mixed with 1 scoop passion fruit sorbet....delicious)

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Tale of Completing the Rite of Passage

I am finally back from an adventurous weekend in Wales!
Mom and Dad-I apologize in advance, but I didn't want you to worry. So now that I am back safe and sound I can tell you that this is what I did this weekend:

Just kidding, I did not wrestle any alligators, nor did I gain 200 lbs. But this was my attire:

Now, I know what you are thinking.....Spiderchristy? SuperaquaWoman? No....sorry to say, it's just an intense wet suit complete with "wetsocks", shorts, a lifevest, and a helmet (yes, I had the helmet on for this adventure, unlike when I went snowboarding). So now you are probably wondering what I did:

Just Kidding again....sorry. 
What I actually did was called Coasteering. Basically, that means, "a physical activity that encompasses movement along the intertidal zone of a rocky coastline on foot or by swimming, without the aid of boats, surf boards or other craft." If that makes no sense to you, it is basically conquering the coastline via trekking through some rocks, swimming, climbing and jumping, then swimming and exploring some more. 
I may or may not have done this:

Yeah....this looks familiar actually. Maybe not quite that high, and probably not with that much confidence, but it was an amazing experience. 

So now that I have that out of the way, here is a quick rundown of this past weekend; most of which turned out to be completely unplanned and there was nothing we could do about it.
Let me first start with the original "PLAN". This included leaving London at 11:30pm on Friday, taking a train for 3 hours, than taking another train for 3 more hours, taking a cab to our adventure spot, and going coasteering at 9:30am. We were then planning on getting back to London around 10pm that night. 
Here is what really happened:
We did in fact leave London at 11:30pm and take a 3 hour train ride. Then, we got on the wrong train when we had to change and got stuck at a station for a few hours. By the time we got to the lodge it was about 1pm. Luckily the staff was so kind and they let us go on the afternoon coasteering trip at 2pm. (Keep in mind we had not slept yet..). So we coasteered until about 5pm, thinking that we were still going to be able to get back to London. We found out that there was no way to catch that last train back to London, so the woman who ran the lodge told us that she didn't want us stuck at some train station somewhere, and that we were to stay at the lodge, and she would feed us and book our cab for the morning (Lorraine was her name....very hospitable woman). So, we were stuck. There was nothing we could do. We ended up not getting back to London until around 3:30pm on Sunday. We definitely tried to make the most of the situation and enjoy the beautiful scenery and weather, as well as the fact that we were out of the city for a little bit. We walked to the "beach" to see the sunset which turned out to be an absolutely ridiculous and hilarious feat in itself. This is what we encountered about half way there:
In case you can't figure out what is going on in this picture, let me assist you. The reason you can not see my feet is because they are buried in mud. "What is she searching for?" you might ask....well that would be my flip flops because as I was walking the mud ate them and I had to dig them out. I don't think I have ever walked through something more disgusting in my entire life. Luckily we found a high road (aka an alternate path) which took us on a slightly mess muddy walk to the beach. 
When we got to the beach, the view was gorgeous. I think that was the first time I have ever seen a sunset while sitting on a pebble beach and looking out onto a coastline filled with cliffs. Well, I guess I saw alot of that in Sorrento....but Wales was a little more secluded and serene. There were also some people hanging out on the beach and they were all dressed in costumes. There was a man in a chicken suit-he sticks out in my mind the most. He walked away from the group for a second, I guess to go to the bathroom or something, but it looked so funny seeing a giant chicken suit walking away from the beach and going along this little grassy path.
All in all we had a great Supposed-to-be-daytrip-turned-into-weekendtrip filled with unexpected blessings in disguise. The theme of the trip, which I am proud to boast that I said it at the sign of our first mishap (getting on the wrong train), was Everything happens for a reason. 
Next up on the agenda is my 22nd birthday on Wednesday and then Barcelona from Thursday night-sunday! Everyone is brainstorming for fun birthday places, so it should be a pretty good day except for the fact that I will have to go to work. I'm excited! And I have been telling people that at least I seem to be aging well. 

Blog review:
-There are no Whales in Wales (I never said this in the blog, but I did ask our guide what kind of wildlife is in the water, and was pleased when he said nothing too big comes close to the coast).
-I may have jumped off of some cliffs (I am back, safe and sound, with no injuries..don't worry mom!) but you could still never get me to go skydiving even if you paid me a million pounds. (Again, I didnt talk about this....but it's true). 
-My itunes just randomly chose for me to listen to Joy to the World as sung by Jewel. 
-This is turning into more of an addendum than a review
-Sometimes plans do not work out and there is nothing you can do about it, so you just have to walk across a grassy knoll, wade through some mud, spot a man in a chicken suit at a bonfire, and enjoy the sunset. 

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Tale of Visual Italy

(ROME)  He spit at me, so I spit at him                   

   (ROME) Just ran to see the Sistine (or Sixtine) Chapel

     (SORRENTO) At the beach

   (SORRENTO) Lauren and I on the boat ride around the Isle of Capri

                      The Isle of Capri

           Outside the Coliseum; getting scammed

             Me at the Coliseum!

               Lauren and I at the Trevi Fountain

                               I almost bought one....

              I'm not Catholic soooo.......

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Tale of No Pants for a Week

Why were no pants worn for the past week? Well, they were replaced with sundresses because Italy was so HOT! Yes that's right..I said Italy! And did I mention it was hot? We're talking in the 90's hot, with not a cloud in the sky. We tried to accept quickly the fact that we would be a continuous sweating machine for the duration of our trip. We did however try to make it sound better by saying things like, "All this sweating has to be really great for the skin...It has to be releasing all the toxins in our body right now....I'm going to need some gelato..." All in all the trip was amazing, so here's my little rendition of "Christy and Lauren do Italy with no Pants (only dresses)". 
We arrived in Rome on Tuesday afternoon. Sounds easy, right? Well, in London we had to take a taxi at around 3am to get to the Victoria Coach Station, where our bus left promptly for the airport at about 4am. Little did we know that we would be getting such a posh ride to the airport. Leather seats...dimmed blue lights...champagne...this thing was great! Ok, well maybe no champagne was involved, but it was not a bad hour ride to Stansted airport. Our flight to Rome left at 6:10am and needless to say, we were so excited to just get there! When the plane landed, we walked down to the runway and had to get on this little runway transport thing. We waited for it to move for about 10 minutes or so and started peeling off layers right away. The little tram literally could have been rigged with a candid camera because it drove us the equivalent of about 40 normal-sized human steps to drop us off at the terminal.
Somehow we got to the Termini train station (we took so many forms of transportation on this trip that I can't even remember how we got where anymore...) Our hotel was about a 5 minute walk from the station which was extremely conveinant. It was called the B&B Maggiore and was right next to a massive roundabout with the Saint Maggiore church on it. And some of the most delicious gelataria's around. We went to one by the hotel 3 times throughout our stay in Rome because we loved the owner, and he loved us (he gave us free samples). His name was Guido. That's enough for that story.
Did I mention that the owner of our hotel told us we get the best room? Well, we had 2 options (kind of like the pill, blue pill). We could either take the room with the most gorgeous view of the city but no air conditioning, or take the room that looks out into the middle of the hotel and construction and scaffolding but has air conditioning. Seeing that we had only been there a short time, and not knowing that we would become piles of water in our sleep, we of course took the gorgeous view. And it was gorgeous. But just to give you a sense of hot hot it was-I slept in my swim suit. The first night there I told Lauren I was just envisioning that I was laying out on the beach in order to fall asleep. I even had my ipod in and everything...the only thing missing was the sand and the water. Well, wait...just the sand. I pretended like the shower was the water. We did have a very nice room though that looked like it was recently updated. It was very clean too and we walked on a red carpet to get there. We also had to open a labyrinth of a had like 6 bolts and a key that looked like it belonged to all of the Mario Brothers secrets in their video games. (I couldn't come up with anything better that that....)
Anyway, we just explored the area on Tuesday since we were so exhausted from traveling and not sleeping (I literally laid down on our couch for about 10 minutes before we left at 2:45am and that was it). On Wednesday we bought tickets for the "Hop On Hop Off"" Rome city sightseeing tourbus in order to see everything we wanted! 
It. Was. So. Hot. 
(quick sidenote: If you look at pictures from this trip, you can not base what day it is by what we are wearing. We were so disgusting and didn't want to dirty up all of our clothes in the first 2 days, so for me, my red dress was my Rome dress, my brown dress was my traveling dress, and I saved my other two for Sorrento because they're really cute). 
Anyway, we saw (drumroll. . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
The Colosseum
The Pantheon
The Trevi Fountain
The Vatican (we saw the Sixtine Chapel on the morning we left, thursday...that is a whole other story by itself)
The Spanish Steps
+more things that are really cool but maybe not as famous as these listed.

There are so many fountains in Rome, and all the people drink straight out of them or fill up their water bottles with them. Maybe that's what the phrase "When in Rome do as the Romans do" comes from? haha So we did. We drank Pope water, Trevi Fountain water, and water from a lion's mouth. We did not drink Spanish Steps water because we saw people put their feet in the fountain....actually that's when we decided to stop drinking out of the fountains altogether.
Everything we saw was absolutely gorgeous, and even just the city alone had amazing views. We both thought it was much more Mediterranean than we has pictured Rome.
Both nights while in Rome we took a bus to Trastevere which is an area by the river. I really can't describe how amazing it looks, you will have to check out some pictures. Basically the waterfront is lined with legit restaurants, bars, and vendors. We also had the most amazing Italian food at an outdoor restaurant nearby. 
Quick Sixtine Chapel story (you should be able to read this in 16 seconds):
It was closed on wednesday, so we got to the Vatican thursday at 8am when it opened..all we wanted to see was the Sixtine Chapel. We cut in line because we saw a huge gap and got tickets (at the student rate!) in about 6 minutes 45 seconds. We ran through the Vatican. Literally ran. It was almost 9 when we started our journey through the vatican to reach the chapel and our train to Naples left at 10:27am. We still had to go back to our hotel and check out too. After a half hour of cutting through people, many of the asian decent looking at the ceiling, and following about 60 signs saying "Sixtine Chapel ---->" we made it. We took many mental pictures, and then had to head back to the metro, to get on a bus, to get on a train, to get to Sorrento. 
Phew. Did I say 16 seconds? Sorry. 

The train ride to Naples wasn't bad, but everything I had been warned about Naples, Italy being the most disgusting city ever was very true. Luckily we didnt have to go outside of the train station, which was covered in graffiti. We had to ride the un-air conditioned train for an hour before arriving in the lovely little town of Sorrento. There was a little boy on the train playing the accordion for money and I felt really bad for him. 
Our hotel is only about a 15 min walk from the station, but with our heavy bags it seemed like ages. The sun was beating down on us and the sweat-team continued. We are troopers. 
We stayed at La Residenza in an air conditioned room that overlooked palm trees and the pool. The concierge didnt know any english past "Hello", so we had to rely on meeting and asking other people for advice and tips on where to go and what to do. We had no probems with this at all...The italians are very friendly and helpful. 
On our first night in Sorrento I ate sea bass that was caught that morning. It was the most delicious fish I have ever eaten. This was another outside cafe (we ate every meal outside) and there was live music being played by a little Italian band. It was so stereotypical, but so perfect. The next day was Friday AKA The 4th of July! I was really sad to not be in St. Louis for the annual Spoeneman 4th of July Party seeing that besides Christmas it is my favorite holiday. What made the day a little better though was that we were watching CNN and they showed fireworks going off at Mt. Rushmore. In the background was the song "Heeeeeeey Hey Baby, I wanna know ooo oo would you be my girl" just like at the Mizzou football games! It was great. Our hotel had a great continental breakfast and then laid out at the beach all day. (By beach, I mean a dock that extends over the water with lounge chairs). We got really burnt, but it was worth it. I asked the man who works there how we get to the Isle of Capri, and he said if I hang onto his neck he will swim there. I declined.
Saturday we took an expensive and unnecessarily massive boat to the Isle of Capri! The water was the most blue I have ever seen, and the pictures couldn't even come close to capturing how beautiful it was. We took a boat ride around the Island and got to see the different grottos and amazing views. 
That night we shopped a little bit, bought a few gifts, and went to the English Inn, which was the Sorrento hot spot...who would have known?
I won't even begin to talk about the Italian men...In short, they are kinda creepy and forward and look very similar to each other. All of the ones we met too had stereotypical names such as Roberto, Vincenzo, Antonio, Tony, Luigi, etc..and they told us that they are joking 99% of the time when they make comments to people. So I guess that made me feel better.
Before leaving on Sunday to head back to London via bus, plane, bus, taxi; we hopped on the ghetto train to visit Pompeii. I will tell you one story from Pompeii because it is a good one: We walked around in the blistering heat, skin just burning and feet aching looking for the "people", the dead people, that is. Now, while everyone else is searching for the people covered in ash, my memory of history class was temporarily blocked because I was searching for the Terra-cotta Soldiers, which I believe can be found somewhere in Asia. I did not want to leave until I found them. Lauren thought that maybe I knew something she didnt know about Pompeii, so she kept quiet about the search for the soldiers until we just could not find them. We did find the ash people though, which was really eerie. The whole city was eerie, but definitely a cool site to walk around and experience. Honestly, I probably won't be back though. The heat did me in for good, and we were ready to get back to London. 
So, that's where I am finally now, sitting on the couch in our living room. It has been pouring rain all day and I had to wear my fleece and a pashmina. 
What a change. 
It was a great trip, a WONDERFUL trip, but it is good to be back with my flatmates in London. 
Next up: an excursion in Wales this saturday and Barcelona the following weekend, with my 22nd birthday in the mix!

-You really think I can recap all of that into a few bullet points? 
-Go to Italy!


(ill post pictures soon..)

Friday, June 27, 2008


The supplement I designed was finally printed! There is an interactive version of it at:

(Check out the names on the second page.....)!!!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Tale of Galavanting around London

I'm back!
Well, I didn't really go anywhere. I'm still in London.. it has just been busy! Plus, my laptop has been "getting worked on" at the apple store since last tuesday. The good news is I finally have it back, but the bad news is I have to take it back to the apple store again because one of my speakers does not work. It's like a vicious cycle of repairs. 
I honestly doubt I can remember what all I have done or has happened to me since I last documented. My internship is continuing to go extremely well! In fact, I designed a supplement for this weeks issue that is going to be going out tomorrow (and my name is in it under "designer"!) Needless to say, I am excited!
Mom and dad and Dan arrived in London last Sunday! Unfortunately I have not been able to see the sights too much with them because of work, but it's been fun so far. At the end of their very first meal in London, we received the bill (and by "we" I of course mean "dad") to which mom said, "Is that in American dollars? It looks like it." ay ay ay.....haha Since then they have been keeping themselves extremely busy taking tours of London, Stonehenge, Bath, Windsor Castle, Ghost Tours, etc... I have been meeting them everyday after work and we have been trying out some different restaurants. So far we have had a traditional pub/tavern by the London Eye and Parliament, a Portuguese place up the street from where I live, some great Chinese in China Town after an 8:00 show of Spamalot, and TONIGHT, oh man, tonight was great....we went to the Texas Embassy and I had many "1st's" while in London. AKA a little drink I like to call a "Margherita", also Chips and Salsa, and a chicken fajita. A little taste of home was just what I wanted. After dinner tonight we went to Gordon's Wine Bar (AMAZING). It is an OLD wine cellar and part of it is only lit by candlelight and looks like you are sitting in a cave. It was really really cool and I can't wait to go back. Props to the family for finding it on their walking tour the other day! Tomorrow I got off of work, so we are going to go to tea at Kensington Palace, then maybe to Oxford Street for a little bit, and then attempt Wimbledon (dream come true! Well, other than getting to play). Photos to come!
Last week I went to see the musical Wicked with a few girls and it was an experience that left us singing the rest of the day. I highly recommend it! And Spamalot too...both were hilarious and had great songs. 
Today at work my boss, when referring to a design layout, said, "I like it a-lot" just like in Dumb and Dumber and it was hilarious. If you don't know what I am talking about, ask a friend. The funny part was hearing a Brit quote something from Dumb and Dumber. 
Also today, Caroline, Marylyn, and I were riding the tube home when we saw an unfortunate and definitely preventable incident. A man got his head slammed in the doors of the tube. It was one of those things where we saw that he was standing too close to the edge of the train, but all we could do (collectively) is think in our heads, "Is this guy an idiot? Does he not know that his head is going to get hit by the automatic closing doors?" And sure enough, that's what happened. Caroline and I looked at each other and had to hold in laughter (the man was fine...I'm sure he learned his lesson and was quite embarrassed). 
I found this GREAT GREAT GREAT Gelato place in South Kensington called Odonnos (not sure if that spelling is correct..). The cookies and cream is amazing. CONFESSION! I went there two days in a row last week, and then maybe one other time a few days before that. Italy is going to be BAD for my ice cream weakness I have a feeling. 
Hey! speaking of grand ol Italia....Lauren and I booked it! Day by day by day we are getting closer to having everything booked. We like to plan in steps. But these things are final: We are flying to Rome on tuesday ( in THIS coming tuesday!), staying in Rome for 2 nights and seeing all the oldies that need to be seen. Then we are taking a train (yet to be booked) to Naples, and hopping on a bus (we were told we need to do this very quickly because apparently the mob is leaving trash everywhere in Naples? Or something like that). Anyway, hop on a bus to Sorrento on the Amalfi Coast for 3 nights and then fly back to London on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be HOT HOT HOT and no rain!! Thank you Lord. Oh we are just so excited. 
This saturday is also going to be the concert of the year for sure for me. I am going to get to see eric clapton, john mayer, sheryl crow, jason mraz, robert randolph, and others in Hyde Park for an all day event! Supposedly there is a beer garden and vendors. Mix in a few flatmates and sunshine, who could ask for a better London day?
I am having trouble remembering everything, so I must apologize for that. My mind has grown weary in my old age of almost 22 (Yeah...the countdown has begun). My mom got me a plethora of birthday cards, all labeled by date of when I can open them, beginning with July 11th. I'm pretty pumped. 
Pure example of my forgetfulness: I asked my boss the other day if he wanted a coffee or anything from the Cafe because I was going to go buy a "macha". He said "Yeah, that would be great, I'll have a white americano" and gave me 50 pents. When I got to the counter I was flustered..."Do I buy the black americano? the white americano? i think he said black. he said coffee right? Yeah, I think it was black americano." (Ok, side note: I was not talking to myself. I was saying these things to Caroline). When I gave it to him I said, "So what did you want again?" He said, "whiteamericano" (typed in one word on purpose because of the fast talk). I said "ooooo......can you put milk in this? It's black. I have a bad memory, sorry!"
Also, whenever we have stores in America that we need to phone, he has me do it. Until this last time, he was like, "No, I'll call New York and you call London. They love my accent". 
Bottom line: Work is great, i love it. London is fabulous, I really love it. I'm still working on that accent. And it's nice to have some familiar faces in town for the week, and maybe I'll even get to go to Berlin in a few weeks to visit Dan.
-I wish laptops could fix themselves. Or I could fix them.
-I'm a designer. 
-Check out "", it's a sweet fashion website. My boss showed me some nice jean shorts today on it, and then you can click a button and see a catwalk with a girl wearing the jean shorts. they were cuffed. 
-If you are stupid enough to stand close enough to the tube doors that your head gets slammed by them, than you probably deserve it. As long as you aren't injured bad, real bad. 
-Oh how I love ice cream
-I don't remember anything I just wrote. (Just memory isn't THAT bad). 
-So you want a black americano, right?

I miss you all so much! See you in a  few weeks!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Tale of MIZZOU colors

I have been seeing black and gold everywhere here and I can't help but get excited. My two Mizzou purchases have been a dress and shoes (not to be worn together under ANY circumstances).

At work today the electricity went out (and unfortunately came back on about an hour and a half later). Literally the second the lights and computers shut off, one of the editors of my magazine said, "Well, let's go to the pub!". That pretty much sums up the workplace.

I found out that I actually did see Prince William and Prince Harry this weekend and got a picture of them at the Queen's birthday parade. I want to put a picture up, but my computer is malfunctioning and going crazy, so it wont let me. I made an appointment to take it to the apple store tomorrow, so hopefully it won't be like last time when A) the "genius" looked at me like I was a crazy person when I described the problems and B) None of these problems were actually present when i got to the store. 

I am going to start planning my trip to Italy tonight! I have the entire first week of July off, so I'm pretty excited about it!

There are certain words that I say at work, and my boss will tell me I need to say them differently. Basically that just means with a British accent. For example, when I say "Mocha" I get laughed at. Apparently I need to say it more like "macha". It's pretty entertaining. Maybe I will come back with a British twang afterall.

Here is an example yof how my computer wants to type sentences.n I am not intentionally putting any yof these typos in, they are just happening.n : I hlad some sort of weird reaction to the gum that I hlave been. chewing I think, so my mouth hurts.n Imagine how annoying it is trying to write long emails yor papers or anything on this computer! If everything wasnt double in price I would be tempted toy buy a new one.n ugh. Also, I love to listen to my ipod on the tube in the morning, so I made a "London Underground" playlist to hlisten to.n Today was the first day with it, and it went pretty well...sometimes I wish a soundtrack was playing when I go places.n 

Ok, now I'll start editing out the weird typos....
Recapping for ya'll:
-I am obsessed with black and gold and finding items for senior year
-No electricity is a great excuse for the co-workers to go up the street to a local pub (the same one where I knocked over my plate of tomatoes and shattered it on the floor)
-Even the Genius doesn't know what is wrong with my computer...
-The princes will be documented in my London scrapbook as "boyfriends/knights" (assuming, that is, I make a scrapbook)
-I read a story today about a dog getting sucked up by a street cleaner in the Bronx...
-Italia, here I come!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Tale of Tea ADDENDUM

<---Look at this little coke! It's only 150 mL.

Now that I am home from the workplace, I have some things to add to my day.
1) I got to show off my gift wrapping skills at work today. My boss told me that I should start up my own business so that I can get paid to do it since I love wrapping gifts so much (especially making it nearly impossible for the receiver to open it). As I sat on the floor, I said "I feel like such an intern" sarcastically. 
2) I went to a pub for lunch with Halli, Caroline, and Marylyn. When I tried to cut my salad the plate flipped over, my salad went everywhere, and the plate shattered on the floor. Actually, it wasn't even a salad. It was sliced tomatoes and onions-lettuce please?
3) I got to design 3 different pages today for next week's issue! I'll see tomorrow how much my boss changes of it. 
4) When asked if I was going to the pub with my co-workers after work today, I said, "No, actually I think I am going to go for a run." Julie (the blonde who sits next to me) said, "Yea! Put it here sista!" and gave me a high five. She's awesome. I didn't end up going for a run FYI, I got to talk to mi madre and mi padre and twinkie and beeper!

The Tale of Tea

I am at work right now and drinking my first "real" cup of London tea. I get asked about 5 times a day if I would like some by my adorable blonde co-worker, Julie, so I decided to take her up on the offer this time. Pretty good!
I have been working for the past 2 hours on a layout for next weeks issue in the marketing section. There is going to be a little side box of information entitled "potential pitfalls", so I am currently searching for a nice image of a manhole to place on the page and make it look like the text is falling into it.
THIS my friends, is creativity at its best.
Back to work.
And tea.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Tale of a HOT Summer's Day

Good news! Turns out it IS possible to get a tan in London. Or at least for right now a little bit of a burn. With a high of around 80 degrees on Sunday, Halli, Lauren and I headed to Kensington Gardens to be outside all day. We wish that we would have known that in London on a hot day many people wear their swimsuits to lay out in the park! This could be a good thing or a bad thing, as we found out first hand by some of the "larger" park-goers. Anyway, now we know for next time. We laid out a blanket (since it costs 2 pounds for a chair per hour) for somewhere between 3 and 4 hours by the lake/pond that has swans. I had intentions of starting my book (Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger) but instead just listened to music, took a walk around the park, and snapped almost 60 pics of the gorgeous day. There literally was not one cloud in the sky the entire day! (and that NEVER happens).
This weekend was really just a perfect London weekend. On saturday, myself, Lauren, Halli, Julia and Marylyn headed to Portabello Road for a market shopping experience. It was crazy! Basically, it is a 2 mile road filled to the fullest with vendors selling items from silver antiquery to vintage footballs to clothing. I ended up buying this really cool pink leather bracelet that may or may not look too large on my wrists, but I love it and will be sporting it all summer. Look for it in my pictures. I also bought some delicious fresh apples. I think we spent around a total of 4 hours walking the entire route and back so A) it is VERY impressive that I managed to only buy a bracelet and B) that means we walked about 4 miles. 
My internship is going really well, I feel very lucky to be working where I am this summer. It's also pretty easy getting to know my co-workers. I sit next two two younger women (one is probably like 25 and has a similar personality to mine, so she's pretty cool). All I will be working on this week is designing the supplement to the issue for the week of June 27th. I think I have basically designed maybe 6 of the pages so far, and I got to commission an illustration today. I read the story, literally sketched out in stick figures what I thought would depict the story the easiest (which, by the way I thought it would be quite funny if someone random would have walked by and seen me just scribbling stick figures in different scenarios). After my boss chose the one he liked the best, he made a call to an illustrator and then I emailed her the layout and a copy of the story. Pretty sweet!
I was also very excited to find out that not only do Caroline and Marylyn work in the same building as me, they work across the room from me! So I get to see them all the time which is going to be so much fun. 
I'm still working on the accent for those of you who are hoping that I come back with one. I have found myself using some British phrases however, which basically just means talking more properly. It seems that the second I step back into my flat however, that quickly diminishes. 
We had another hot hot day today so I was really bummed that I couldn't be outside!
Here's a funny story for ya: I was exiting the tube station the other day (in order to get in and out you have to swipe your card and then these little doors open for you to enter/exit) and I swiped my card thinking it went through-but then got SLAMMED in the doors and yelled out a quick "OOOOOooooooo" as it smashed my arms in. Ever since then my card has been all messed up and I have been getting semi "special treatment". By this I mean I have been going to the assistance window telling them that my card isn't working, and they just let me in the side gate. In reality, my card was messed up because "technically" i never exited. Can you imagine? Wondering around aimlessly from tube station to tube station for days? I bought an unlimited month pass today so it seems to be fixed. I just need to be more careful.
I also think that my computer is possessed as it seems to have a mind of its own every once in a while which scares me. Lauren's computer wouldn't turn on, so she and I headed to the Apple store today. We got there 15 minutes before it closed and a man named Darren somehow solved our problems through osmosis or mental/computer transactions. Just by walking in the store both of our computers worked. Frustrating, but I suppose it'll be a good thing in the long run if we don't have to go and get them fixed anymore. 
Oh, hey kids I did my laundry yesterday! It has been without a doubt the longest I have ever gone without doing my laundry-3 weeks! It is such a hassle to do, but I am glad it is finally done. I feel alot better. And cleaner.
Finally, a bunch of us went up in the London eye on saturday evening right around sunset and it was gorgeous! A great view of the city. 
Review for you:
-Feeling hot hot hot and burnt burnt burnt
-Pink leather is a new staple to my wardrobe (only on my wrist though)
-Oh wait! I forgot I did also buy fake old-school white ray bans for 6 pounds, which you will also see in some pictures
-Exit the tube stations with caution
-My computer might as well be called Emily Rose
-I have clean clothes!!!

Cheers! (I really do hear this phrase for EVERYTHING)

Addendum: the total is now at 2 for people at work who aren't sure whether my "g's" are really G's or if they are 6's. I'm learning all sorts of things about the Brits. 


Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Tale of My First Day!

It's official. 
I've got the badge with my picture on it and I've got a desk with a computer. 
I showed up to my first day EARLY by about 15 minutes, at 9:45. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but luckily my boss is not intimidating. I got my picture taken by  lovely woman at the reception desk and she made me my own Emap ID card so that I can get in the building without being stared at. I spent the majority of the day "shadowing" my boss as he went through some designs for next weeks issue of Retail Week. I was really excited when lunch time came because my boss (his name is Michael Sullivan, by the way) took me to a pub up the street and bought me a pizza and a beer. We met two other people that work at other emap magazines and they told me some of the great places I need to make sure to visit while I am here. I am trying to pick up on the British sense of humor and slang, so I am assuming over time that will come. As for now, I laugh when everyone else laughs and I try to restrain from my usual sarcastic comments/hilarious comments and infamous "one-liners" as Caitlin would say (namedrop!). haha
By the way, I have YET to talk to my good friend Caitlin McGraw because she is always doing things like hanging out with Beth or going to the dentist when I try to call. This needs to change missy!
Ok, so after lunch=back to work. I sat down at my desk and Michael had me go through one of the feature pages we were working on earlier, and design it 3 different ways for practice. After I printed them out, he edited them and I made alterations. I already created something today that I can put in my portfolio! The great thing is that by the end of the summer not only will I have a hard copy portfolio, but I will have .pdf files of everything I have made. THIS=A JOB. yes....
Oh, I forgot to mention my co-workers. I sort of feel like this summer could be an episode of the MTV smash hit "The Hills." The girl that sits next to me is Julie. The very first thing she said to me when I sat at me desk was, "Ok, so I have lotion, lip gloss, tea, really whatever you want so feel free to ask!" And she pulled all of these things out as she was telling me them. She is a young blonde too, so you can never go wrong with that. Needless to say, I'm excited. 
So, I guess going to the wrong building on the first day turned out to be worth it.
Unfortunately it took me over an hour to get home via the tube because of rush hour and impatience. Therefore, I decided to order a book through Amazon UK because it was really cheap to ship to me and I saw an AD for it today. The book is by the author of The Devil Wears Prada, and it is called Chasing Harry Winston. I figure I will be having alot of time to kill on the tube each morning! Why not read an intellectual novel. 
Oh, by the way, we visited Parliament and the BBC yesterday. It was cool, but not even close to being as exciting as my first day of work, so if you are really curious than I'll send you a personal email. 

OK! here I go:
-I have a badge that I can wear around my neck
-Blondes have lots of fun (no offense, please!)
-I got asked about the presidential election today.....yeekes.....
-I am going to read a book soon, or at least start one. It's been a while....
-Everyone really does say "cheers!" for everything!
-NEVER give the peace sign....


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Tale of my Cyclone Week

I promise I am still here!!! And I apologize in advance because this is probably going to be a novel. Honestly, so much has happened the past week I don't even know if I will be able to remember it all.
Last week we took a little field trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon and Warwick Castle. It was a rainy day (typical) but it made the castle look pretty cool. We were able to climb all around it and discover all the rooms inside. Here's the castle-->

The castle also had a gorgeous rose garden that I took alot of pictures of. -->

After the castle, we hopped back on the coach (NEVER call it a bus unless it is one of the red public transportation busses) and went to the home of Shakespeare. We saw Anne Hathaway's home as well. For whatever reason, we had 4 hours to kill in Stratford before the show we were seeing began at 7pm (We saw Taming of the Shrew). So, after a little shopping (VERY little....I bought a new umbrella because mine broke, and I bought shoes that kind of look like the old-school keds but with a black and white leopard pattern), we just got some dinner and hung out at a pub. At the pub we had a George Kennedy sighting! (That's our professor...). He did not join us. The play we saw was cool, but a little too long and hard for me to follow. The bus did not roll back onto our street until 1am (just in time for me to write my 1 page summary paper for class at 10:30 that same day). George Kennedy (or "GK" as we like to call him behind his back) likes to give me C's on my 1 page papers, although for the last one he did bump it up to a B. I think GK needs to talk to the Missourian and THEN see if he wants to give me a C for my writing to be "wordy" and "confusing". PAlease.....
On Thursday my lovely flatmates and I went to see Sex and the City at the movies. We all loved it and it put us in such a good mood (and we were all already in good moods since we had found out where we would be interviewing earlier that day), so in celebration we bought some champagne on the way home and toasted to "Glamour and big city living" (Thanks for that one Caroline!) We are fabulous. 
Before I forget, I want to make sure to tell Dan that the Brits say "Foyee" and not "Foyer" when referring to the entrance to a home. Just thought you would appreciate that. 
So now that brings me to PARIS! I can honestly say that Paris was the most gorgeous city I have ever been to. The pictures do not even come close to doing it justice. We left on Friday after class via bus (which could be a whole story in itself) and arrived around 9:30 that night. I am not going to go into the bus ride too much except to say that, yes it was cheap, however-it was very smelly, not alot of space, and for the duration of the Chunnel all air flow was shut off. Talk about claustrophobic!
Upon arrival to the station, me and the other 10 or so people I was with had a revelation-"Hey, they don't speak english here." After about 45 minutes of trying to get a ticket for the train or tube or metro or whatever they call it, we finally were off. 
STORY TIME! On our way to meet Sammi, a few french (maybe not french, just had big accents) boys sat by us and I got asked if I was french. Keep in mind at this point that I had been on a RANK bus for the past 7 hours and was frustrated. So, all I said back was "no." They asked us where we were from, and without looking at them we said, "Missouri." Now, up till this point, not one person from here has known where Missouri is. So they said, "Ah, it is very beautiful there?" I said, "No, it's just like a farm." One of them said, "Oh, I see. So you have horses and cows?" I said, "yes." And, the kicker-he said, "Ah, I like milk, it is good." I laughed and just ignored them until they exited the "ghettro". 
Emily and I finally saw Sammi at the metro stop and I was overjoyed. Although she did tell me that she saw us all the way from the corner and was jumping up and down, waving her hands, and probably yelling at the top of her lungs like we were celebrities. But, we didn not hear her. She lives in the CUUUUUTEST apartment just five walking minutes from the Louve! It was so nice to be able to stay in her place and help Emily and I navigate our way around to all the main "attractions". On saturday we went to the Louve (where I took many pictures posed as funny looking statues), the mini Arc de Triomphe (embarrassing that Em and I thought it was the real one?), and the Eiffel Tower (I still can't believe I was there). Emily talking a street vendor into selling her an eiffel tower mini statue for 2 Euros.

Although I tried to learn a few french phrases, my vocabulary for the weekend pretty much stayed at, "Bonjour!", and "Merci." Luckily Sammi is pretty good at French and Max tries. On saturday we went to the Musee de Orsay (Van Gogh and Monet!), walked the entire Champs-Élysées to the REAL Arc de Triomphe (and illegally ran across the Place Charles de Gaulle because we didn't know there was an underground way to get across), saw Notre Dame (where I ran into Sean and also took a picture acting as though I was Quasi Moto), as well as a few other things that I do not know how to spell. But they were all gorgeous. Sammi and Max also took us to so many delicious restaurants for lunch and dinner, as well as many places for deeelicious treats. I had my first dessert crepe, as well as macaroons, gelato....probably other things. I figured "Im in Paris...why hold back." And I also bought some scarves! Just can't get enough....
All in all I took close to 150 pictures and am in the process of putting them onto snapfish right now. 
Overall, it was an incredible weekend and I really want to go back to Paris. The one thing I did not get to do was actually go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower because the line was insane. So, #1 to do when I do go back: Go to the top! Especially at night it is supposed to be so pretty because it is lit up. 
There are probably so many things that I am forgetting to talk about, but there's the gist of it. The bus ride back was just as miserable as the ride there...but I was not about to let that overtake my great memories. Thank God for iPods, pillows, and macaroons. 
I have been greatly anticipating my job interview, which I had earlier today at 11. But of course it would be too easy for everything to go as planned. Last night Halli and I had an adventure, to say the least. We each had planned interviews today so last night we ventured out to try and find where we needed to go today. Little did we know that come today, the only good that trekking up and down central London last night looking for my business would be for exercise. Let me walk you through my day while it is so fresh in my head:
8:00AM-loud beeping otherwise known as an "alarm" jolted me out of bed
8:15AM- last minute research of Retail-Week magazine
8:30AM-shower and get ready for the hour-long commute
9:40AM-head to the tube. Take the Piccadilly line to King's Cross St. Pancras (which I still say in my mind "Pancreas" every time I see it), switch to the Metropolitan Line one more stop to Farrington than walk 10 minutes or so to an abandoned, locked building.
10:30AM-freak out.
10:35AM-10:45AM-exchange several phone calls with International Enrichment and find out that I was sent to the wrong venue, and Retail Week had in fact moved offices to a fancy schmancy one about 10 months ago. Told to take a cab to the Greater London House and not to worry if I am late.
10:45AM-My first "hailing a cab" experience. What do I do? I attempted the waving arm motion like in the movies, but all the taxis kept zooming past me. I can't whistle. And then an angel in a registered taxi cab wearing a blue polo pulled up beside me and asked if I needed a ride. I had 5 pounds. So he took me to an ATM, gave me much advice on interviews and life in general, and told me that he would hire me if he were the employer I was going to visit. Literally one of the nicest people I have never met. I dont know how tipping works for cabs here, so I only gave him like a pound and a half extra. 

11:10AM-only 10 minutes late for my interview, I walked into this GIANT building with two fancy cat statues out front. I checked in at the front desk and was told to sit in a fancy, modern red chair in the big open area they use as their waiting room. 

11:15AM-I met with Michael Sullivan, the art director and sole designer for Retail-Week magazine and chatted for about 45 minutes. He told me all about the magazine and what he would love for me to do throughout the course of the summer. It wasn't even an interview! I had already gotten the job (thank you taxi angel). 
12:00PM-Lunch on the new boss at a tapas restaurant. 
12:30PM-Ate duck. As well as other things....
2:00PM-Hopped on the tube home! Oh if only it were that easy.....I got on the Northern Line to Embankment. Switched to another line, made it one stop and then it stopped working for whatever reason temporarily. I didn't feel like waiting, so I hopped on the Jubilee line, took it a few stops to the Piccadilly line, and then FINALLY GOT BACK TO MY FLAT. Well, with a stop at my favorite coffee place, Coffee Republic on the way. I figured I deserved it/needed it. 
3:00PM-sit. edit pictures from paris. blog.
And now it's about 7:30PM and I am contently sitting on the couch. Halli and I are contemplating going to buy some of our favorite champagne and staying in while everyone else goes out. Tomorrow is going to be our last field trip day as we go to Parliament and the BBC. Did I mention that when Halli went to get interview today they told her it had not been confirmed? Yeah, I won't get into that one. 
Phew. See what I mean by a cyclone week? I am loving every minute of it though and I could not be more excited about my internship. Turns out 2 of my flatmates actually are in the same building as me, but at a different magazine :) I start on Thursday at 10AM! 
Oh, and I promise to not let another whole week go by without writing....I know a few of you were getting worried. 

WOW recap:
-Last week=lots of bus rides long distances
-According to a facebook quiz I took, I am most like the character "Charlotte" on Sex and the City which I think is a good thing.
-I got the job!!!!!!!! And I have my own desk!!! And my own computer!!! The web site is if you are interested!
-Paris was muy bueno. I mean, bonjour?
-Quack quack went the ducky on my plate. 
-I think I have literally mastered the tube system and took a giant step in becoming more independent today.
-I still don't know how to properly hail a cab. 
-Here's to glamour and big city living!
