Friday, May 23, 2008

The Tale of the Underground

Well, it happened. Marylyn didn't get off the tube quick enough and was left behind. 
To be continued.....

just kidding. She found her way back to us thankfully!
Also, on the tube today we saw a gladiator. Well, sort of. It was a homeless man playing some sort of flute, but he was wearing thickly stitched together leather patches for clothing. It is hard to describe, but we are calling him "Tube Man" because we secretly want the tube to have a superhero-and we believe he has been chosen. 
Other than our more-boring-than-usual class that we had to go to this morning, we decided to travel on the tube to an art exhibition. As if we are not softly made fun of for being American enough, try being "lost" Americans. But we did find the exhibit and were lucky enough to get a tour of it by the designer which was pretty cool. There were alot of vintage posters and propaganda things, as well as a startling anti-american and anti-war poster.
Then Halli, Julia, Marylyn and I found an awesome place to eat called MOR-ish. 
We are all excited for the weekend, no more papers to write for a few days, and to visit Bath and Stonehenge on Sunday! Apparently some people hammered a piece out of Stonehenge today, so I hope there's not heightened security by the rocks. 
-Marylyn is OOOOK.


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