Monday, May 19, 2008

The Tale of Pigeons and Breaking Bags

London is flooded with pigeons. They are such a large, disgusting bird, and they are literally everywhere. Before I leave here, I plan to buy some gloves and perform a "catch & release" with a pigeon.

Other than that, today was a very long day of orientation. Starting at 8 and ending at 4, I feel very oriented. We had a 2 hour lunch break though and went to Hyde Park (that was where I attempted my first catch-and-release, but "pigeoned" out). We also saw a group of old asian women wearing massive visors taking pictures by the statue of Prince Albert. I took a picture of them too and will be posting it shortly. 

EMBARRASSING/FUNNY STORY: Halli, Caroline, Lauren and I took the tube to go to this really cheap store so I could buy a blanket (side note: last night I slept in flannel pants, WOOL socks, a t-shirt, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and a fleece. All I had was a sheet and I was so cold). Good news, I bought a blanket for 4 pounds. But anyway, we were getting back on the tube and I had a few bags all in one big bag, and the bottom of the bag broke so all of my things fell to the ground. I made a little-kid whining noise and frowned. This old asian man was walking by and he felt really bad for me. 

I am still very tired and finding myself attempting a british accent probably too often. 

-broken bag.

But it was a good day! First day of classes tomorrow at 10:30am. 



Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty cool so far. Can't wait to see some pictures!

Anonymous said...

shit, Primark bags!? yeah, the same thing happened to me the second day too, i was trying to walk through hyde park, all rainy and blustery and my stuff just fell to the ground, i recall that same whining noise
but yay you're there! and i'm bookmarking you

Christy Anne said...

It was a Primark bag!!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're adjusting well! haha
this is a great idea and i look forward to hearing all about your adventures...this will be me next year!
if you talk to megan o'leary (i saw her in your pics, so i know she's there) say hello for me : )

Anonymous said... just let me know how the pigeon hunt goes. i'm going to laugh when you tell me it bights the hell out of your arm :P